our values

Thanks for connecting with us! We’re a small fashion design business based in Toronto, Canada focused on expression and community. To see our full list of services, click here


our ideals


We’re committed to honouring the creative in all of us. Whether you’d like to repurpose fabric in your vision or create a look from scratch, we place importance on personal stories, culture, and fashion. 


Rather than reproducing an ineffective garment cycle, we believe in revisiting vintage pieces, reconstruction, or creating one-off pieces and saving fabric from being thrown into landfill. By slowing down fashion and reducing the environmental costs, we do our part.


Above all, nothing is possible without community. We aim to prioritizes local connections and partnership with creatives in our city. Nothing works if we don’t work on good-will. 

Visit us on instagram to see what we’re up to in our community.

Fashion is personal and expression is universal.
